Generate Files with ease

Generate files for various linters, base files, etc. without having to manually create or remember every available input that has to go into a file.

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Meet our team

We are here to make generating configuration files easier based on sme's in a generator area.


A easy way to generate

See all the features supported apart of file Generation.

Enter Details

Add your data when it is applicable for a specific file to generate.


Define wether a item is included or excluded from the generation of the file.

Save File

Download outputed file to save to your local environment.

Upload Existing

Upload your existing file to pre fill out form and adjust current details or add new details.

Copy Generated Version

Copy the Generated output with preview to paste in existing file of document.

Supported Generators

Ruby Gems

All Ruby base gems that have a config file generator needed.


Generate .rubocop.yml file usable in your repo.

Supported Generators

Node Modules

All Node base modules that have a config file generator needed.


Generate package.json file usable in your repo.

Frequently asked questions

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to us on github and ask it to the community.

Is this secure?
Yes, all code is reviewed by the lead developer and the code is public so you can review yourself. Checkout the documentation for structure of adding a new feature to see how to dig into the code.
Can I copy or Download the generated file?
Yes and Yes, you will have the option to copy the generation or download the generated file based on your need.
Will I be able to upload my current version?
Yes, we can take your existing file and convert to our tool to then allow you to download with the latest and greatest.
Is my data saved on the server?
No, everything is worked in current session so if you leave a page you need to start over.